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Charles Rogers & Co - 'The Ice Man'

Prior to his time spent at Hal Roach Studios Charles Rogers had, like many staff at the studio, previously been a member of a successful vaudeville troupe. This vaudeville troupe was his own, and was named Charles Rogers & Co . Whilst I've yet to find any photographs of the troupe or any of their acts, and whilst the script itself seems unfortunately lost to time, I have been able to piece together from reviews what their acts consisted of. In this post, I'll be delving into an act called ' The Ice Man ' - which Charles Rogers & Co were touring across the USA throughout the 1920's. This is the act that Rogers has been mostly associated with by fellow Roach and Laurel and Hardy historians - and so it's actually where much of my own research into Rogers began! In this very large advertisement (and review) for 'The Ice Man' in Variety, published in March 1922, the act is described as being a 'distinct novelty comedy hit' directed by vaudevil...

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